
Products catalog

Plant coagulant Acquapol

  • Products

    • Acquapol C1 - natural vegetable coagulant
    • Acquapol S5T natural vegetable coagulant mixture with dry polyaluminum chlorid 

    It is a natural, powdered vegetable coagulant obtained from acacia leaves. Acacia trees are grown for this purpose in Brazil, and the coagulant is produced in this country by SETA.

    The main difference between organic and inorganic coagulants is the raw materials used in their production. Inorganic products such as polyaluminum chloride, ferrous sulfate, etc. , are made from metal salts, organic coagulants are obtained from natural raw materials. All coagulants produced by Seta are of natural origin, obtained from renewable raw materials.

    Product  has been developed for municipal wastewater treatment, air flotation devices and sludge dewatering. It is a unique environmentally friendly product that completely eliminates the problems associated with aluminum. 

    ACQUAPOL C1 coagulants

    • These are multifunctional products that act as coagulants or flocculants, greatly simplifying the work
    • Does not affect the final pH
    • Promotes effective removal or reduction of metal salts
    • The ready-to-use solution does not need to be diluted
    • Completely soluble and low viscosity
    • Works effectively in low or high hardness, alkaline or cloudy water
    • Works great without pH adjustment
    • Non-aggressive metal surfaces, on the contrary, form a layer of iron tannate on the surface, which protects against corrosion
    • Non-corrosive, non-toxic and essentially eco-friendly 

    Fields of application 

    • For cleaning drinking water
    • For wastewater treatment in the food and beverage industry
    • For cleaning sewage from slaughterhouses
    • For fish industry wastewater treatment
    • For wastewater treatment of municipal water treatment companies
    • For wastewater treatment of textile companies
    • For oil industry wastewater treatment
    • For paper industry wastewater treatment 

    • Non-toxic to the environment
    • Lower operational risk
    • More compacted sludge (better dewatering)
    • Lower volume of sludge for transport and disposition
    • Less dosages comparing with chemical coagulants 

    • Reduce: Sludge transportation costs
    • Increase • Treatment capacity of treatment facilities • Efficiency of treatment facilities
    • Eliminate: • Equipment maintenance costs (corrosion) • Problems and costs caused by pH fluctuations
    • Improve: • Sludge compaction and dewatering • Environmental safety 


    It has strong coagulating/flocculating properties of colloidal particles and is designed to neutralize the surface charges of colloidal solids, thus promoting rapid and effective coagulation.
    Removes all suspended solids and associated turbidity, resulting in raw water of acceptable quality for process use or drinking.
    By means of ionic and surface interaction, it combines neutralized or coagulated particles into larger agglomerates, therefore settling more efficiently and quickly.
    The structure of the molecule shows an excellent chelating effect on many metals, especially iron, dramatically reducing metal salts.
    Does not change the pH of the system and does not require special pH adjustment, works well, does not consume the alkalinity of the system and is effective from 5 to 8.
    Removes all suspended solids and associated turbidity, promoting rapid and efficient settling to produce raw water of suitable quality for process use or drinking. After the flocculation/coagulation action, it settles completely, leaving no chemical residue in the water, meeting all regulatory requirements.
    Product can be used as a primary coagulant/flocculant or as an auxiliary flocculation agent, especially in water treatment plants. It can be used in other segments as industrial wastewater, pure or synergistically combined with other flocculators such as PAC, aluminum sulfate or synthetic polymers. 





    • Appearance Light brown powder
    • pH (aqueous 20%) approximately 2.6
    • Specific gravity (g/cm3) approximately 0.35
    • The ionic charge is cationic
    • The total amount of solids is about 92 percent.

    ACQUAPOL C1 is a non-toxic product and does not require special handling. After contact with skin, wash with soap and water.

    25 kg paper bags on pallets or 600 kg.

    It must be protected from cold, excessive heat and sunlight. 

    Information and orders: tel. +37068568890, e-mail: